Protecting the Environment
Our environment is in crisis. Our environmental laws still allow the wholesale destruction of threatened specifies habitat by property developers and logging companies, driving the precious wildlife that call them home to extinction. We must act now.
The Liberal and Labor parties take millions in donations from corporations who are damaging the environment. Whether it’s coal & gas fracking, logging, or big irrigation corporations – they have too much power, and do too much damage. Unlike the Liberal and Labor parties, I don’t take donations from big corporations. The Greens understand that if you protect the environment, you can create a strong and sustainable future for all of us.
I will back new environmental laws to stop corporations trashing our environment, put in place recovery plans for threatened species and protect jobs and businesses that rely on our environment.
To protect the environment, I want to:
- Protect our natural environment and wildlife from destruction by strengthening environment protection laws and creating an independent watchdog to enforce them
- Increase funding to the Indigenous ranger program to make use of millennia of knowledge while creating long-term sustainable jobs
- Build a local hemp, cannabis and seaweed farming industry, creating thousands of sustainable agriculture jobs
- Provide $1bn for a nationwide compostable processing scheme, supporting local councils to build industrial compostable facilities
- End native forest logging to help reduce fire risk, and transition workers into sustainable plantation forestry