Ocean Shores WOA Sunday Arvo

Join Mandy and a team of passionate volunteers as we listen to the concerns of the people of Ocean Shores and sign up dozens of new Mandy supporters!

This session starts with a short summary of the recent persuasive conversations training so that we are all prepared to capture the data that will ensure Mandy heads to Canberra at the next federal election.


August 01, 2021 at 1:00pm - 5pm


Ocean Shores Tavern
84 Rajah Rd
Ocean Shores , NSW 2483
Google map and directions


Bec Talbot · · 0449 667 511


Paddy Flanagan Ei Yang Derek Harper Penny Stanley Martin Stautner Laura Shore Lily Schmelzle Jill Moonie Cathie Jones Roz Goodchild Kate Coxall Jaime Cascajares Heather Martin Cas Rifello Cassandra Bennett Marion Riordan

Please RSVP below: